Rather than my own words I’d like to share with you these words from Toko-Pa Turner. I feel them deeply. Yoga is ultimately a practice of being. Practice shows me how to be with myself, how to be present to others, how to allow others to be present...
Part of the joy of yoga for me is in the process of lifelong learning and discovery. I am sometimes soothed, sometimes stirred by the “aha” moments and open questions along my journey. I am continuously grateful for what I have learned or remembered while...
Are you considering, or have you considered, making a new year resolution? The start to a new year can be an opportunity for introspection and reflection. From this careful consideration you may discover that your approach or relationship to some aspect of life no...
Thank you for practicing yoga. I believe that the more we work to know, love and honor ourselves, the more compassionately and clearly we can see and connect with others. I believe that by granting ourselves respite, we are better able to serve. As the weather takes...
In our home this month we kicked off our first (planned) year of home schooling, the boys started soccer, we had a wonderful visit with family, celebrated Lucas’ 8th (!!) birthday, and I prepped for a new role in my work as an SLP!Phew! Anybody else have that...
“Where is the movement initiated?” It’s an inquiry we explore during yoga teacher training. Am I moving from momentum and habit or a conscious, intentional action? When is either of these helpful? What is the thought or feeling that precedes...