Rest on Purpose
When being tired of being tired hits, it’s time for a reset.
Rest on Purpose is a week-long practice dedicated to restoring your relationship to rest through nourishing evening routines.
Stress makes us more susceptible to illness, as it reduces our immune system efficacy. Increased stress hormones in our system reduces our ability to rest well. This cycle of stress and less effective rest takes its toll on the quality of our days. It is with this in mind that I have developed the Rest on Purpose course.
Relieve the effects of stress on your body-mind and settle into a calm and tranquil inner space with guided relaxation.

Rest on Purpose Process
Rest on Purpose is a series of 5 videos that support you in progressively releasing tension and expanding ease at the level of the body, breath, mind and senses, and spirit. Rest each of your layer of being.
Know yourself as a whole being using the Kosha model of the human being. Kosha means sheath and there are 5 “bodies” to the human being.
- Annamaya Kosha: The physical body
- Pranayama Kosha: the breath/energy body
- Manomaya Kosha: the mind body
- Vijanamaya Kosha: the wisdom body
- Anadamaya Kosha: the bliss body
Each is said to seat inside the others.
Practices Include
- Genle Movement
- Restorative Yoga
- Pranayama
- Meditation
Also Included
PDF Guides with simple techniqus for cultivating restful evening routines and improving sleep hygiene, as well as self-inquiry journal prompts so you can know your relationship to the concept of rest on a deeper level.
When you are exhausted from holding it all together, these practices will hold you.
When your brain is fragmented from pouring attention in a million directions, these practices will build cohesion and clarity.
When you can’t take any more in, these practices will soothe, nourish and replenish your senses.
When you’ve forgotten you’re worthy of rest, these practices will carry you gently into remembrance.
When you think there’s no time to slow down, you can choose the practice that meets you where you are.