It took multiple days for me to type the little paragraph I’m sharing with you today.  I was distracted by my own thoughts, had some competing compelling topics I wanted to potentially explore, was listening to my kids play in the other room, and oh yea, I’m just a little fuzzy!  

So let me start with normalizing that you’re not alone if you feel like you’re working harder than typical to focus, to process, to generate cohesive responses or to create.  

Stress hormones impact our ability to think, to recall, and to consolidate information…and many are living with chronic stress while navigating the stressors they have become acutely aware of in recent months.  Relaxation, rest, conscious breathing, connection, movement, and meditation are all effective tools for managing stress.  These are all components of a complete yoga practice and are precisely what I have studied and practiced for the past decade. 

I look forward to connecting with you to listen and support you in your effort to process and release stress.
Make sure to schedule your Check In Chat with me so we can develop a plan for your individual stress relief needs.