Meditation Has Benefits

Meditation Has Benefits

There are two common experiences relayed by many of the yoga practitioners I’ve had the opportunity to talk with over the years.  One is the ongoing expression of amazement at the experience of walking in (and these days – signing on) to yoga class feeling...
Plug In

Plug In

“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you!”— Anne Lamott. Have you heard this saying before?  You already know I’m a fan of unplugging:  You’ve heard me speak to rest for the sake of rest and together we’ve explored...
Living Without Greed

Living Without Greed

I’ve spent the past two Sundays clearing out… closets and cabinets and basement shelves.  Yeeesh.  I like to think I keep tabs on what comes in and when it’s time to let things go but still am astonished at how much we manage to accumulate. This experience got me...


In the upcoming months, you may find yourself overwhelmed by circumstances. The holidays can be challenging to navigate; there will be less sunlight, there will be more demands on your time and attention.  The practice, philosophy and world view of yoga can offer...
The Key

The Key

Feeling stressed? Find your breath. You are equipped with an incredible tool that can help you respond to stressors and stress itself.  This tool is breath awareness.  Getting to know your breath can bring you back into a caring and nurturing relationship to...
Wonder Connect Create

Wonder Connect Create

You may have seen the words wonder-connect-create accompanying my logo.  These words encompass some of my values and guide the intention I pour into what I offer.  They get me back on track when I feel down or separate from myself or my purpose.  Have...