One of my favorite self care combos is abhyanga (self massage with warm oil) and a soak in the tub.  This brings me joy!  Often, when I’m preparing for this practice, I’m aware of feeling fatigued, maybe my shoulders are aching, or I’m noticing a fraying of my nerves.  This week, I noticed I was feeling…good. 

Yes!  And ya know, I almost skipped this practice that feels so nourishing for me.  In that split second I remembered a talk Pandit Rajmani Tigunait offered back in March, as we were collectively being made aware of the pandemic.  In the talk he used the analogy of including provisions such as a sprinkler system when building a house.  He said, “How unwise to start digging a well when the house is already on fire.”.  This reminder stuck with me: let practice be a regular reconnection to wholeness and not just a bandaid to patch me back together when I’m fragmented and run down.

Is there one thing you do for yourself every day or each week that feels super nourishing and brings you joy?  I’d love to hear.

If it is a challenge for you to fit those kinds of activities into your week, I have a simple offering for you. Below, please click the button to view a series of images of restorative poses done with minimal props. If you can’t make it to your local yoga studio, or if you’ve been staying at home to practice because of Covid, you may be missing the luxurious wall of props. You don’t need them! If you have a blanket and a pillow, you can enjoy a rejuvenating restorative practice from the comfort of your own home.