The Second Limb on the Path

The Second Limb on the Path

Five niyamas form the second limb of ashtanga (8-limbed) yoga.  Niyamas are observances or inner commitments that invite a sense of reverence to spread into one’s life.  Together with the yamas, the niyamas support the yoga practitioner in cultivating...


Brahmacharya, one of the yamas of the Yoga Sutras, is translated as celibacy (Bryant, 243) or continence (Tiguniat, 164).  In addition to these two translations, brahmacharya was explained to me as right use of energy, moderation of the senses and not using...


This week’s exploration of the yamas (restraints within the ethical precepts of yoga practice) brings us to asteya.  Asteya translates to non-stealing.  Vichara is a yogic self inquiry practice that aims at taking one to the root or source of an...
10 Year Challenge From the Inside Out

10 Year Challenge From the Inside Out

Did you see the “10 year challenge” going around on social media last month?  From what I gather, you post a current photo of yourself side-by-side with a photo from ten years ago.  I loved seeing some of the photos my friends and acquaintances shared.  It got me...


The 8 limbs of the yoga sutra are a template for one who is interested in achieving samadhi. The path of practice that leads one to samadhi takes effort, contemplation, dedication and consistency. Ahimsa is said to be the primary restraint (yama) one must master if...

Contemplation & Meditation Practices

We welcomed the turning of the year with the invitation to move with maitri and to take time for contemplation or meditation on the idea of friendliness to increase its effects in our lives. Today I’ll share some reflections on how to engage in such a practice. ...